I have a cooking blog called My Newfie Kitchen.
I haven't updated it much in the last few months, but two very popular posts were my potato salads.
Sweet Mustard Pickle and Potato Salad
(originally posted on My Newfie Kitchen on Sept 12th 2009)
*3 medium potatoes chopped and cooked in salt water
* 2 large green onion chopped
* 1 and a half teaspoon sugar
* 3 tablespoons mayo
* 4 pieces of sweet mustard pickles with 2 teaspoon of the mustard chopped
* dash of black table pepper
Drain the potatoes, mix the rest of the ingredients with potatoes until you have a yellowish tint. Chill for about a half hour.
This is a small sized bowl which serves 3 people. If you are using this for a party you may want to double or even triple the recipe.
You can use plan pickles and normal mustard, in which case you would only need one teaspoon of the mustard, and then add another pinch of sugar.
Beet and Potato Salad
(originally posted on My Newfie Kitchen on Aug 15th 2009)
Ingredients :
5 large potatoes peeled and cooked in salt water
1 can of sliced beets with juice
1 onion chopped (or 3 green onion chopped)
1 cup mayo
How to:
*Drain the potatoes and cut them into smaller pieces
*mix in the chopped onion
*chop up the beets into smaller bite size pieces and add to mix
*add in mayo
*add in 1 tablespoon of the beet juice
*Mix till you have a bright pink colour
Put in fridge for 1 hour before serving. Serves 4
Some people are off put by this salad as it is pink. The juice from the beets not only gives it the colour but the main part of the taste.
This is one of the simplest recipes I have ever tried. I have been making this one for over 20 years.