Dear Spudguns:
Well, as I just posted on the year long blog project, which is needing a massive boost; as I just posted on there, I am finally getting to get away for a few days.
Yes, having spent all my time trekking to my mother's everyday, eating dinners together for months, has allowed me to save some money and am able to get out of the city for a few days.
Okay, so it's just a few cities away but it's the first trip I've been able to take in over 4 years. And I'm doing this with just a pen and notebook. No internet. Can you believe that? Me going for nearly a full week without my computer or internet.
I leave tomorrow and get back Friday. My goal is just to get a bit of a break from my life and kick start my writing again. Which is why I decided to go without anything that would distract me like my computer or internet.
I miss being able to travel. At some point I would love to get to Ireland. I've never really been outside of Canada. Unless you count going down to the States {America} but those were trips I made when I was a kid with my parents; I don't remember anything from them other then the one time I got lost when I was in Milwaukee... I was 4.
Actually, last time I stepped foot in the U.S.; I was 14-15 years old so it's been 22-23 years since my last trip to even Duluth.
And this is the part where I say I really really envy my beloved X-Division. You lot get to travel on a daily basis. The places you get to see, the people you get to come in contact with, the food you get to try...
Anyways, small trip but long overdue.
See you all on Friday.
Love Ardeth Blood
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
The final Episode
It was the last episode of the 41 year old soap opera All My Children today. I cried. Well, I cried yesterday actually when they brought back the actor David Canary who played a duel role of Adam and Stewart Chandler for most of the show's history.
If you missed it today, they had a cliffhanger. If you saw it then you know that when I say "balls!" you know why. Damn it!
Rumours are flying that they will be turning to the internet as an online soap come the new year. And I say rumours with a half seriousness, as Cameron Mathison made a comment on The View's AMC special saying he signed on the online version.
When I hit the site after the finale episode of AMC, there were tons of comments from fans with mixed feelings on both the cliffhanger and the idea of them going online.
I have to admit, I thought it was a horrible way to wrap up 41 years of the show, and really not too keen on the idea of it being online in the future.
What I honestly thought they were going to do was a movie to extend/wrap up some storylines; as they have been talking for the last few weeks on the show as part of Erica Kane's character plot. I honestly could see a two hour film version because it just seemed like it was too detailed for them not to be teasing at it. Seems I am mistaken and it was just a big tease on the writer's part. Damn it!
It's just so weird not to have AMC on every weekday. Not to hear my Uncle going on about the actress Susan Lucci all the time. {Uncle's one and only celebrity crush}
If you missed it today, they had a cliffhanger. If you saw it then you know that when I say "balls!" you know why. Damn it!
Rumours are flying that they will be turning to the internet as an online soap come the new year. And I say rumours with a half seriousness, as Cameron Mathison made a comment on The View's AMC special saying he signed on the online version.
When I hit the site after the finale episode of AMC, there were tons of comments from fans with mixed feelings on both the cliffhanger and the idea of them going online.
I have to admit, I thought it was a horrible way to wrap up 41 years of the show, and really not too keen on the idea of it being online in the future.
What I honestly thought they were going to do was a movie to extend/wrap up some storylines; as they have been talking for the last few weeks on the show as part of Erica Kane's character plot. I honestly could see a two hour film version because it just seemed like it was too detailed for them not to be teasing at it. Seems I am mistaken and it was just a big tease on the writer's part. Damn it!
It's just so weird not to have AMC on every weekday. Not to hear my Uncle going on about the actress Susan Lucci all the time. {Uncle's one and only celebrity crush}
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Weird 9/21/2011
Dear Spudguns:
The energy around here today has been odd. Could be because today is the Fall Equinox. Could be because a few planets are shifting and turning direct this week after months of being in a retrograde motion.
No clue.
So my sister and brother-in-law finally bought a house. Ironically, it's one block from where we grew up. Like literally parallel to our house just one block. Freaky no?
It's like no matter how hard either of us try, we can't seem to break out of the 10 block radius from where we grew up.
So, I got to see the movie "I don't know how she does it?" on the weekend, and have to say what a massive disappointment that was. I know it was based on a novel, so I picked up a copy of the book like an hour before I went to the cinema and the book is now on my never-ending TO READ pile. Hopefully, it will be better then the film was.
And now to the soap... I can't believe that All My Children only has 2 episodes left! Holy Anne Rice Novels Batman! That's like 40 years worth of characters. And this past few weeks, the storyline has been amazing. Why on earth weren't the writers doing this for the last two years? Today was the cameo by Sarah Michelle Gellar, and I could not stop laughing cause of the Buffy the Vampire stuff they wrote in. Loved it!
Speaking of vampires... just saw the trailer for Underworld 4 which comes out in the new year. Not sure how I feel on that. Always had mixed emotions on that series.
And found out yesterday that there is going to be a 10th anniversary DVD for Elvira's Haunted Hills. Dude! this film is a collectors piece I'll tell you that.
Love Ardeth Blood
The energy around here today has been odd. Could be because today is the Fall Equinox. Could be because a few planets are shifting and turning direct this week after months of being in a retrograde motion.
No clue.
So my sister and brother-in-law finally bought a house. Ironically, it's one block from where we grew up. Like literally parallel to our house just one block. Freaky no?
It's like no matter how hard either of us try, we can't seem to break out of the 10 block radius from where we grew up.
So, I got to see the movie "I don't know how she does it?" on the weekend, and have to say what a massive disappointment that was. I know it was based on a novel, so I picked up a copy of the book like an hour before I went to the cinema and the book is now on my never-ending TO READ pile. Hopefully, it will be better then the film was.
And now to the soap... I can't believe that All My Children only has 2 episodes left! Holy Anne Rice Novels Batman! That's like 40 years worth of characters. And this past few weeks, the storyline has been amazing. Why on earth weren't the writers doing this for the last two years? Today was the cameo by Sarah Michelle Gellar, and I could not stop laughing cause of the Buffy the Vampire stuff they wrote in. Loved it!
Speaking of vampires... just saw the trailer for Underworld 4 which comes out in the new year. Not sure how I feel on that. Always had mixed emotions on that series.
And found out yesterday that there is going to be a 10th anniversary DVD for Elvira's Haunted Hills. Dude! this film is a collectors piece I'll tell you that.
Love Ardeth Blood
Sunday, September 18, 2011
9/18/2011 Night
As you have guessed by now, I'm not a big Twitter user. I have two accounts, an old one that was connected to my old blog, and the one on the sidebar. So I rarely check in on there. But this morning, I got a message from my buddy Gerry in Toronto, informing me that someone had gotten into my old account and sent out massive spam to everyone on my twitter list.
Dude, so not cool.
I had to deal with it. Which put me back a bit with my entire schedule for the day.
But I did find the time to make a quick episode of my Creeping Screams!
Dude, so not cool.
I had to deal with it. Which put me back a bit with my entire schedule for the day.
But I did find the time to make a quick episode of my Creeping Screams!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
So I got this dvd

Which I will be uploading a video review for ... most likely tomorrow...
I've been wanting to get back to doing dvd reviews.
And for anyone who read my thoughts on that particular ppv back on July 10th {yes I just realized all these years I have forgotten to point out links in my posts because I'm me} Then you know I stated I believed at that point in time, that Alex Shelley had not won an Ultimate X match at all. It has been pointed out, that Alex Shelley has indeed won 3 previous Ultimate X matches via tag team rules. {so the question remains, did he get the X or did his tag partner Chris Sabin ?}
Friday, September 16, 2011
Low Front
And it's why I look like the wicked witch this morning. All bundled up in my ICP hoodie and my winter pajamas.
Yes, finally, we've broken that damned heatwave that we've had for the last few weeks. Thunder Bay actually went to -4c overnight last night. There is frost on things outside. FROST. The good kind, the weather kind that makes pretty little sparkly designs on the windows and such; not the evil kind of frost{ing} that people put on cakes that are too sweet to eat.
I am much happier when the weather is cooler. Much happier.
So I am seeing all over the internet about Triple H's latest movie. People calling it his second. They are forgetting that he worked in Blade 3- Trinity as vampire Jarko along with Callum Keith Rennie who played the vampire Ash {yes I realize Triple H has actually acted more then that but the vampire movie is the only one I want to care about so deal} And since when are ppvs considered "tv movies" ? I'd like to know - IMDb huh?
Speaking of vampires at 8:40am... well, that's just me isn't it... speaking of vampires at all times really.
To quote Anne Rice once again "winter is the season of the vampire" - which I believe was in Memnoch the Devil. Been nearly twenty years since I read the book, the quote might even be from Tale of the Body Thief which was book 4 in her Chronicles.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
9/15/2011 Thursday
am I the only person on the planet who just didn't care for the whole Charlie and the Chocolate Factory thing? I don't know man, it just never did it for me.
I'm watching Top Chef Just Deserts, and their challenge is to create the candyland from the film.
I was always one of those kids that just didn't see how people fell in love with that film, or Wizard of OZ either. Just never really grabbed me.
Maybe I'm cold wired.
I'm watching Top Chef Just Deserts, and their challenge is to create the candyland from the film.
I was always one of those kids that just didn't see how people fell in love with that film, or Wizard of OZ either. Just never really grabbed me.
Maybe I'm cold wired.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
11:21pm Knight

It's been yet another of those nights where I can't make any sense out of the Knights.
My tarots have been springing forth at me the Knight of Wands. A card that rules moving, travel, confidence, adventure, absence, flight, and a dark young man.
This card, I think I've talked about before, but honestly, that was so long ago might have even been on the old site.
Anyways, this is a card that represents honour as much as anything else, but with a bit of chaos added to it.
He's a food god
Was watching the latest episode of Chuck's Day Off, {episode 1 from season 3} and trying to explain yet again, why he's so damned cool to my mother.
Ironically, I had picked up the latest copy of Food Network Magazine for October, and they had a small two pager on Chuck Hughes. It talked about his making poutine on Iron Chef America and winning. That by the by was a fabulous episode. {the magazine also had a few American version listed }
Mom's never liked poutine so she was so not impressed. But if you've been reading me for any length of time, you know I'm impressed. Very very impressed. {deep sigh for the hottie chef}
All this got me thinking about the life span of cooking shows in general. Because there are so many cooking shows out there; specially in the last 7 years or so, the life of a cooking show {the amount of brand new episodes that are produced} is about two seasons.
Even though, he's on the list of food gods {in my world he is. Along with Micheal Smith and Bob Blumer} I'd love to see someone do a cooking show that is all vegetarian. Cause if one is out there, I've never come across it. And I don't mean just episodes here and there, but at lest one full season. And it seems, my little youtube show doesn't count in the grand scheme of things.
Ironically, I had picked up the latest copy of Food Network Magazine for October, and they had a small two pager on Chuck Hughes. It talked about his making poutine on Iron Chef America and winning. That by the by was a fabulous episode. {the magazine also had a few American version listed }
Mom's never liked poutine so she was so not impressed. But if you've been reading me for any length of time, you know I'm impressed. Very very impressed. {deep sigh for the hottie chef}
All this got me thinking about the life span of cooking shows in general. Because there are so many cooking shows out there; specially in the last 7 years or so, the life of a cooking show {the amount of brand new episodes that are produced} is about two seasons.
Even though, he's on the list of food gods {in my world he is. Along with Micheal Smith and Bob Blumer} I'd love to see someone do a cooking show that is all vegetarian. Cause if one is out there, I've never come across it. And I don't mean just episodes here and there, but at lest one full season. And it seems, my little youtube show doesn't count in the grand scheme of things.
9/14/2011 9:42am
Wake up check the emails and find out that the video channel you use on your blog has had some sort of melt down. all the videos seem to be missing.
Not going to think about it. That will cause unneeded stress.
We're at Wednesday... where did the week go? Laundry day which is a good thing.
Dirty Laundry seems to be a major theme in my life.
And for some reason, the status of TNA wrestlers hair. Let's face it, I got that name for myself for being the nag who talked about Chris Sabin's hair for what...nearly two years straight I think. And I make two little comments about Eric Young's beard and my damned stats are threw through throu through the roof {yes not on the ball today} with people searching for eric young beard like there is a cult of TNA fans on the planet or something that are wanting to know about it. Oh, the beard has it's own following that's it isn't it? Are fans going to show up at shows with pro or anti beard signs? That would be ... pointless.
But yeah it's one of those mornings here, chilly with a overcast of smoke from yet another forest fire in the area, I haven't had a coffee since 4pm yesterday afternoon because I am trying to cut as much coffee out of my diet as possible and failing at it like a junkie always does.
Now, time to get the laundry together and find something to wear and off for coffee.
{this would have been a great spot to have put a photo of some dirty clothes or something but instead I will add this...}
Me, in my apron 3 months ago.
Not going to think about it. That will cause unneeded stress.
We're at Wednesday... where did the week go? Laundry day which is a good thing.
Dirty Laundry seems to be a major theme in my life.
And for some reason, the status of TNA wrestlers hair. Let's face it, I got that name for myself for being the nag who talked about Chris Sabin's hair for what...nearly two years straight I think. And I make two little comments about Eric Young's beard and my damned stats are
But yeah it's one of those mornings here, chilly with a overcast of smoke from yet another forest fire in the area, I haven't had a coffee since 4pm yesterday afternoon because I am trying to cut as much coffee out of my diet as possible and failing at it like a junkie always does.
Now, time to get the laundry together and find something to wear and off for coffee.
{this would have been a great spot to have put a photo of some dirty clothes or something but instead I will add this...}
Me, in my apron 3 months ago.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Eric Young strips Crowd goes Wild
Just trying to watch last week's episode of TNA-Impact on the Spike site {Sept 8th 2011 episode} a full day after the ppv, and not getting to see too much because the picture is rotten. Looks like it's been copied a few hundred times or something but anyways...
Dude, I totally dig Eric Young! Totally dig the guy. He's been on my list of Canadian celebrities I'd love to meet for the last few years.
Just wish he'd shave that damned beard is all.
So, watching the episode, had to hit the pause and run in to post this little nugget of joy. Eric Young doesn't even have to do anything other then remove his clothes and the roof gets blown off the building. Love it!
I'd love to go grocery shopping with him cause I think that would be a day trip if you know what I mean. Yes, I'm in a good mood tonight and why not... there is a Full Moon the heat here has finally broke... okay yeah there was a slight crazied wind storm and hours of thunder and lightening and hail here today but who's counting right?
Now, back to the regularly scheduled TNA
Just trying to watch last week's episode of TNA-Impact on the Spike site {Sept 8th 2011 episode} a full day after the ppv, and not getting to see too much because the picture is rotten. Looks like it's been copied a few hundred times or something but anyways...
Dude, I totally dig Eric Young! Totally dig the guy. He's been on my list of Canadian celebrities I'd love to meet for the last few years.
Just wish he'd shave that damned beard is all.
So, watching the episode, had to hit the pause and run in to post this little nugget of joy. Eric Young doesn't even have to do anything other then remove his clothes and the roof gets blown off the building. Love it!
I'd love to go grocery shopping with him cause I think that would be a day trip if you know what I mean. Yes, I'm in a good mood tonight and why not... there is a Full Moon the heat here has finally broke... okay yeah there was a slight crazied wind storm and hours of thunder and lightening and hail here today but who's counting right?
Now, back to the regularly scheduled TNA
Sunday, September 11, 2011
TNA PPV Results
I used screen capture for this post
Holy Anne Rice Novels Batman!!! I was able to see a ppv!! Damn it Janet!
So this was TNA-Impact 's No Surrender and let me say that I was disappointed by the fact there was only 2 X-Division matches, and the Tag Team match left much to be desired.
#1- X Division match for the #1 Contender between Kid Kash and Jesse Sorensen. Sorensen got the win, having only mildly shown in this match what he can do. Frankly, we've seen better from him on episodes of Impact in the last few weeks.
#2- BFG match. James Storm vs Bully Ray. The fact was Mr. Storm had to win by a submission for it to matter. Bully Ray got the win on this one by a DQ. Good length on this match with excellent submissions repeatedly from Mr. Storm. There is some underlining possible feud-storyline here.
#3- Knockouts title match. Winter vs Mickie James. Winter used the bloodbath to get the win. You know, I have my options on the whole women's division, but I actually found myself nodding in approval when I saw Winter becoming the new women's champ. I've always said Winter is the Season of the Vampire, I guess TNA would agree with me on that.
#4- Tag Team match for the titles. Pope/Devon vs Mexican America. MA got the win and kept their titles. I was so let down by this tag match, not too mention it was the only tag match of the ppv. There was no heat to it, and it just seemed to be filer. P.S. Pope, I'm still waiting for someone in the X-Division to steal me your trenchcoat.
#5- Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan the evil druid. This was a straight up grudge match. I was sad to see that Morgan did not come out in his druid robe, I very much miss that fashion statement. Morgan got the win on this one putting a cap on the crazy Joe angle.
#6- BFG Match - Winner must get a submission to win. Gunner vs Robert Roode. Roode got the win by way of a tap out. I would say this was the longest match of the night, and it lived up to it's expectations. Very impressed, and hope to see a future feud between these two.
#7- X Division title match. Brian Kendrick vs Austin Aries. Mr. Aries won becoming the new champ. He showed some extremely impressive moves in this, and proved why he held the title so long in the last company he was in. I have to admit, this single match was the whole reason I ordered the ppv tonight and I was slightly torn as to who I wanted to see get the win. But I do have a bit of a drool on for Aries {as does it would seem many of the females in my family}
#8- BFG #1 contenders match. Bully Ray vs Robert Roode. this was a scorching match that saw Roode come out on top, winning the #1 contenders spot. He will be main eventing the next ppv and here's hoping he wins that too.
#9- Main Event - 3 way for the TNA title. Sting vs Angle vs Anderson. Angle managed to slither his way to a win keeping the title. Mostly because Hogan got in the mix with a spraycan of some sort and got Sting in the face.
All in all, it was a decent ppv. The length of the matches were longer then I was expecting but not as long as I would hope for.
And I was thinking there would be one more X-Division match or one more Tag Team match but sadly there was not.
Holy Anne Rice Novels Batman!!! I was able to see a ppv!! Damn it Janet!
So this was TNA-Impact 's No Surrender and let me say that I was disappointed by the fact there was only 2 X-Division matches, and the Tag Team match left much to be desired.
#1- X Division match for the #1 Contender between Kid Kash and Jesse Sorensen. Sorensen got the win, having only mildly shown in this match what he can do. Frankly, we've seen better from him on episodes of Impact in the last few weeks.
#2- BFG match. James Storm vs Bully Ray. The fact was Mr. Storm had to win by a submission for it to matter. Bully Ray got the win on this one by a DQ. Good length on this match with excellent submissions repeatedly from Mr. Storm. There is some underlining possible feud-storyline here.
#3- Knockouts title match. Winter vs Mickie James. Winter used the bloodbath to get the win. You know, I have my options on the whole women's division, but I actually found myself nodding in approval when I saw Winter becoming the new women's champ. I've always said Winter is the Season of the Vampire, I guess TNA would agree with me on that.
#4- Tag Team match for the titles. Pope/Devon vs Mexican America. MA got the win and kept their titles. I was so let down by this tag match, not too mention it was the only tag match of the ppv. There was no heat to it, and it just seemed to be filer. P.S. Pope, I'm still waiting for someone in the X-Division to steal me your trenchcoat.
#5- Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan the evil druid. This was a straight up grudge match. I was sad to see that Morgan did not come out in his druid robe, I very much miss that fashion statement. Morgan got the win on this one putting a cap on the crazy Joe angle.
#6- BFG Match - Winner must get a submission to win. Gunner vs Robert Roode. Roode got the win by way of a tap out. I would say this was the longest match of the night, and it lived up to it's expectations. Very impressed, and hope to see a future feud between these two.
#8- BFG #1 contenders match. Bully Ray vs Robert Roode. this was a scorching match that saw Roode come out on top, winning the #1 contenders spot. He will be main eventing the next ppv and here's hoping he wins that too.
#9- Main Event - 3 way for the TNA title. Sting vs Angle vs Anderson. Angle managed to slither his way to a win keeping the title. Mostly because Hogan got in the mix with a spraycan of some sort and got Sting in the face.
All in all, it was a decent ppv. The length of the matches were longer then I was expecting but not as long as I would hope for.
And I was thinking there would be one more X-Division match or one more Tag Team match but sadly there was not.
Sunday night again
Sitting here, decided to get the TNA ppv tonight. Had to steal the computer for a few minutes.
I am not even sure why I am updating this, or for that matter what made me decide to order the ppv ten minutes ago, but something did.
Having one of those night I suppose. Okay, my lovely Spudguns, be back later with a review.
I am not even sure why I am updating this, or for that matter what made me decide to order the ppv ten minutes ago, but something did.
Having one of those night I suppose. Okay, my lovely Spudguns, be back later with a review.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
9/10/2011 Blah
Dear Spudguns:
Low energy day. One of those days where all you want to do is curl up on the sofa and watch Disney movies. So I did. I watched Hocus Pocus and wonder how it ever got passed off as a kids movie?
Having the novel guilt again today too. Just when I pick up the manuscript, I have no clue where to start with the editing. I don't just mean the grammar etc, I mean the story itself. It's haunting me and teasing me driving me nuts.
This is why so many of Stephen Kings stories are about writers locked away in cabins who become psycho killers. It was the editing that made them do it!
I keep looking for some big adventure to kick start some inspiration, but all I've gotten in the past year has been worse health issues. Yay me, so damn talented.
Anyways, enough of this for tonight. Can you feel the love? I know you can.
We hit another record high in Thunder Bay, +30c with a +34c humidex. Steamy.
And in case I don't get around to blogging before the ppv tomorrow night, good luck to all my TNA Spudguns who are on the card.
Love Ardeth Blood
Low energy day. One of those days where all you want to do is curl up on the sofa and watch Disney movies. So I did. I watched Hocus Pocus and wonder how it ever got passed off as a kids movie?
Having the novel guilt again today too. Just when I pick up the manuscript, I have no clue where to start with the editing. I don't just mean the grammar etc, I mean the story itself. It's haunting me and teasing me driving me nuts.
This is why so many of Stephen Kings stories are about writers locked away in cabins who become psycho killers. It was the editing that made them do it!
I keep looking for some big adventure to kick start some inspiration, but all I've gotten in the past year has been worse health issues. Yay me, so damn talented.
Anyways, enough of this for tonight. Can you feel the love? I know you can.
We hit another record high in Thunder Bay, +30c with a +34c humidex. Steamy.
And in case I don't get around to blogging before the ppv tomorrow night, good luck to all my TNA Spudguns who are on the card.
Love Ardeth Blood
Friday, September 9, 2011
What did I get?
Besides a headache and terrible back ache from standing in lines today; I got a few dvds in the liquidation sale.
3 vampire movies - The Thirst {2009} Bloodsuckers {aka Vampire Wars : 2005 tv movie} and Deadgirl {2008}
The first two were really bad drenny films but given my addiction to vamp films, they were must haves for me. The third one was a decent enough film, it was one I reviewed few years ago on both my old vampire blog and my old main blog. It was one that I admitted had me with mixed feelings.
I also got myself the Hunter S. Thompson documentary, a German subtitled foodie film, and a classic Robert Redford movie.
All of which I ever so brilliantly left sitting in a bag on my mother's kitchen table when I left an hour ago. Cause you know, I am so damn cool.
Speaking of the whole liquidation sale... I got there nearly a half hour before opening and there was already a line up down the parking lot. I ended up squeezed between a guy who kept telling us not to touch the video games cause that is what he was there for, and the hairdresser who just moved into the building next door who ironically was bald.
3 vampire movies - The Thirst {2009} Bloodsuckers {aka Vampire Wars : 2005 tv movie} and Deadgirl {2008}
The first two were really bad drenny films but given my addiction to vamp films, they were must haves for me. The third one was a decent enough film, it was one I reviewed few years ago on both my old vampire blog and my old main blog. It was one that I admitted had me with mixed feelings.
I also got myself the Hunter S. Thompson documentary, a German subtitled foodie film, and a classic Robert Redford movie.
All of which I ever so brilliantly left sitting in a bag on my mother's kitchen table when I left an hour ago. Cause you know, I am so damn cool.
Speaking of the whole liquidation sale... I got there nearly a half hour before opening and there was already a line up down the parking lot. I ended up squeezed between a guy who kept telling us not to touch the video games cause that is what he was there for, and the hairdresser who just moved into the building next door who ironically was bald.
What's the Plan?
One of the things that I wanted to do when I started this version of my bloggy-blog, was more Martha Stewart-ish projects.
Well, that never happened for many reasons. {remember that Frankenstein dress I was wanting to do over a year ago... see what I mean}
As I sit here this morning, having noticed yesterday while I was out, that the Hallowe'en displays are already up at the stores; I am wondering what to do this year for my -obviously- favourite holiday?
Last year on this bloggy-blog I did a 31 days of October with a blog post that was Hallowe'en -horror-vampire related every day. Some of the posts were fresh new ones and some were re-dos that I had posted before on my old blogs.
I'm not in the mood to be doing that exact thing again this year. But I do want to do something spooky-ish.
As I sit here right now, typing, having once again woken before my alarm; getting ready to fight off a bunch of vultures and frealniks at the blockbuster liquidation sale {there will be tears I know it} I'm indeed trying to figure out what to fill my time with during the winter as I will no longer have a blockbuster to feed my dvd addiction.
I had stopped in to talk to one of the staff yesterday, and it was weird and sad. Hundreds of people will be out of work because of this whole thing. Not too mention the neighbourhood here will be missing the place.
As Jen talked, she mentioned so many of the regulars who over the years have come in chatted had a coffee with the staff. Everyone seemed to gravitate to the store for reasons besides just renting or buying movies.
If one store has impacted the lives of about two hundred people over the last 20 years, just imagine how the other stores around the country has impacted the people in the neighbourhoods they've been in.
Well, that never happened for many reasons. {remember that Frankenstein dress I was wanting to do over a year ago... see what I mean}
As I sit here this morning, having noticed yesterday while I was out, that the Hallowe'en displays are already up at the stores; I am wondering what to do this year for my -obviously- favourite holiday?
Last year on this bloggy-blog I did a 31 days of October with a blog post that was Hallowe'en -horror-vampire related every day. Some of the posts were fresh new ones and some were re-dos that I had posted before on my old blogs.
I'm not in the mood to be doing that exact thing again this year. But I do want to do something spooky-ish.
As I sit here right now, typing, having once again woken before my alarm; getting ready to fight off a bunch of vultures and frealniks at the blockbuster liquidation sale {there will be tears I know it} I'm indeed trying to figure out what to fill my time with during the winter as I will no longer have a blockbuster to feed my dvd addiction.
I had stopped in to talk to one of the staff yesterday, and it was weird and sad. Hundreds of people will be out of work because of this whole thing. Not too mention the neighbourhood here will be missing the place.
As Jen talked, she mentioned so many of the regulars who over the years have come in chatted had a coffee with the staff. Everyone seemed to gravitate to the store for reasons besides just renting or buying movies.
If one store has impacted the lives of about two hundred people over the last 20 years, just imagine how the other stores around the country has impacted the people in the neighbourhoods they've been in.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Joy
Hey Spudguns! My day was one of those long sticky days that serves only half a purpose. How was yours?
Deal with the doctor's appointment first.
I went, sat around waiting, and was told the same thing he told me last time I was in the other week. That my foot/ankle issue will be chronic and that I also have to look forward to a knee replacement at some point in the next few years. Yay! But that's getting ahead of myself.
Doctor S. stated that I could either get another piece put into my shoes and have to wear even uglier footwear for the rest of my life, or possibly have to start using my cane again with ankle and knee braces, or have reconstructive surgery for my ankle.
I'll take the ugly shoes for $400 thanks. Maybe use my cane in winter again if it's all the same.
That's when he brought up, yet again, that because my knee and ankle do not line up proper I'm putting too much stress on the knee and at some point, could be two years, could be five, could be fifteen, I'll need to have my knee replaced.
You know what he told me then... wait for it my loves... DO NOT WALK ON IT. I am not kidding. He told me the only way I'm truly going to stop the chronic pain and further damage is to stop walking all together. Yeah, I'm trying to understand the theory of telling me that one myself.
and when I said to the Doctor that walking is the only form of exercise I can do any more since the accident {and yes I did remind him that he told me NOT to do the belly dancing and made me stop that } he said "oh well yes then, you need to be able to continue walking."
Like what was he thinking? That I was going to quietly be in a wheelchair for the rest of time? I've had my wheelchair time when I was younger thank you very muchly.
This of course, lead to his next statement... that I am putting too much stress on my joints and that if I were 40 pounds lighter I'd be in a better state for my injuries.
Dude! I'm not that stupid! I know this. Even though you know, I'm still 45 pounds less then the X-Division weight limit, I understand that my body has been through more then it's share of badness.
Which then brings me to the question of how am I suppose to loose this 40 pounds if I can not work out anymore? This has been my nagging question for the last 5 years since my car accident.
So how did I spend my rest of my day... I went for a walk from the doctors to the mall and bought myself a copy of The Joy of Cooking. And trust me, it might only be ... 4 pounds I just weighted the book... lugging it around town for half the day in +30c with a +34c humidex, is a work out.
Deal with the doctor's appointment first.
I went, sat around waiting, and was told the same thing he told me last time I was in the other week. That my foot/ankle issue will be chronic and that I also have to look forward to a knee replacement at some point in the next few years. Yay! But that's getting ahead of myself.
Doctor S. stated that I could either get another piece put into my shoes and have to wear even uglier footwear for the rest of my life, or possibly have to start using my cane again with ankle and knee braces, or have reconstructive surgery for my ankle.
I'll take the ugly shoes for $400 thanks. Maybe use my cane in winter again if it's all the same.
That's when he brought up, yet again, that because my knee and ankle do not line up proper I'm putting too much stress on the knee and at some point, could be two years, could be five, could be fifteen, I'll need to have my knee replaced.
You know what he told me then... wait for it my loves... DO NOT WALK ON IT. I am not kidding. He told me the only way I'm truly going to stop the chronic pain and further damage is to stop walking all together. Yeah, I'm trying to understand the theory of telling me that one myself.
and when I said to the Doctor that walking is the only form of exercise I can do any more since the accident {and yes I did remind him that he told me NOT to do the belly dancing and made me stop that } he said "oh well yes then, you need to be able to continue walking."
Like what was he thinking? That I was going to quietly be in a wheelchair for the rest of time? I've had my wheelchair time when I was younger thank you very muchly.
This of course, lead to his next statement... that I am putting too much stress on my joints and that if I were 40 pounds lighter I'd be in a better state for my injuries.
Dude! I'm not that stupid! I know this. Even though you know, I'm still 45 pounds less then the X-Division weight limit, I understand that my body has been through more then it's share of badness.
So how did I spend my rest of my day... I went for a walk from the doctors to the mall and bought myself a copy of The Joy of Cooking. And trust me, it might only be ... 4 pounds I just weighted the book... lugging it around town for half the day in +30c with a +34c humidex, is a work out.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Supper time 9/7/2011
Dear Spudguns:
Been a long day. We hit another hot one with a +28c with a +33c humidex. I really hate days like this. I'd much rather be able to add clothes and be slightly comfortable, at lest when I'm cold I'm able to think still.
Tomorrow, early doctor's appointment. Should be - I hope- the last follow up for this foot/ankle issue. The bad of it is my right knee all day today has been acting up. Just what I need, another injury ontop of what I already have. I rock don't I?
Anyone keeping up with my reading adventures, I have 3 books sort of on the go. 1 - Sense and Sensibility {for book club's October selection} 2- Under the Tuscan Sun 3- Life on the Line
Both books #2 and #3 are memoirs/biographies.
I did get to see last night finally, the Impact-TNA episode for last week. {Aug 1st 2011 episode} and all I have to say is ... Eric Young dude, why were you bench pressing a bench in your underwear? Did you forget your tights or was it just laundry day? And what is it with men and beards?
This is me, running on empty tonight.
Love Ardeth Blood
Been a long day. We hit another hot one with a +28c with a +33c humidex. I really hate days like this. I'd much rather be able to add clothes and be slightly comfortable, at lest when I'm cold I'm able to think still.
Tomorrow, early doctor's appointment. Should be - I hope- the last follow up for this foot/ankle issue. The bad of it is my right knee all day today has been acting up. Just what I need, another injury ontop of what I already have. I rock don't I?
Anyone keeping up with my reading adventures, I have 3 books sort of on the go. 1 - Sense and Sensibility {for book club's October selection} 2- Under the Tuscan Sun 3- Life on the Line
Both books #2 and #3 are memoirs/biographies.
I did get to see last night finally, the Impact-TNA episode for last week. {Aug 1st 2011 episode} and all I have to say is ... Eric Young dude, why were you bench pressing a bench in your underwear? Did you forget your tights or was it just laundry day? And what is it with men and beards?
This is me, running on empty tonight.
Love Ardeth Blood
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Pastry and heels
Yesterday, was one of those days with nothing on tv. Mom was desperate enough for something to watch that she had me order a movie on demand. Sweet.
Too bad they only had 20 titles to choose from. I talked her then into a documentary. It was either that or a kids movie as, and I've said it before, mom has a bit of a movie phobia to put it nicely. She hates bad language, nudity, violence and any kind of mature theme. I've seen more kids movies in the last four months renting for mom then I ever did when I was a kid.
Anyways, we rented from Shaw on Demand - Kings of Pastry - which is a documentary that follows three pastry chefs as they try to win their strips.
I was spellbound. The beauty and detail that went into some of their creations. Who would have thought that you would need to know how to blow glass and weld in order to bake a wedding cake? The sad part was, the entire time we were watching this, both of us turned to each other and said "Uncle B. could never do anything like this. He's too uptight."
My mom's youngest brother is a chef.
and the heels...
We were flipping channels and watched episode 1 of Running in Heels. I know this show is from two years ago, but it's one of those "new to you" shows. Another documentary-reality show, this one about a group of interns in the fashion world.
I love that sort of stuff.
Kind of odd that the two elements when you think about it flowed nicely together. The cake sculptures were fashionable works of art and the fashion show showed the mix of fear and beauty.
Too bad they only had 20 titles to choose from. I talked her then into a documentary. It was either that or a kids movie as, and I've said it before, mom has a bit of a movie phobia to put it nicely. She hates bad language, nudity, violence and any kind of mature theme. I've seen more kids movies in the last four months renting for mom then I ever did when I was a kid.
Anyways, we rented from Shaw on Demand - Kings of Pastry - which is a documentary that follows three pastry chefs as they try to win their strips.
I was spellbound. The beauty and detail that went into some of their creations. Who would have thought that you would need to know how to blow glass and weld in order to bake a wedding cake? The sad part was, the entire time we were watching this, both of us turned to each other and said "Uncle B. could never do anything like this. He's too uptight."
My mom's youngest brother is a chef.
and the heels...
We were flipping channels and watched episode 1 of Running in Heels. I know this show is from two years ago, but it's one of those "new to you" shows. Another documentary-reality show, this one about a group of interns in the fashion world.
I love that sort of stuff.
Kind of odd that the two elements when you think about it flowed nicely together. The cake sculptures were fashionable works of art and the fashion show showed the mix of fear and beauty.
Monday, September 5, 2011
9/5/2011 8:17am
Dear Spudguns:
It's fall.
Not officially for another two weeks, but Thunder Bay doesn't know that.
Seriously, I am sitting here now, typing in my ICP hoodie tempted to put on gloves.
Saw the movie Jennifer's Body last night. Will have to sit down later and do a review for the vampire blog. It was one of the few vampire films I had not seen.
Debating if I should just keep it or return it to blockbuster...with them closing, I'm going to be working out that credit card trying to scrap up as many of the vampire films in their store that I can get my hands on.
I suppose if you want to look at it from a Forrest J Ackerman point of view, it will be a wicked time for the collectors in the area such as myself.
Which as I type that, realize with the internet it's actually a mute point.
I also see that the very famous blog by Julie Powell has been removed. I suppose that Salon blogs finally gave up the ghost then Eh? I know for awhile it was one of the few blogs that were still up on their site. Which is sad really as she was a trendsetter.
Trendsetters, I think that might be the theme for the post.
Anyways Spudguns, time to get moving for the day. Go hunt down a cup of coffee.
Love Ardeth Blood
It's fall.
Not officially for another two weeks, but Thunder Bay doesn't know that.
Seriously, I am sitting here now, typing in my ICP hoodie tempted to put on gloves.
Saw the movie Jennifer's Body last night. Will have to sit down later and do a review for the vampire blog. It was one of the few vampire films I had not seen.
Debating if I should just keep it or return it to blockbuster...with them closing, I'm going to be working out that credit card trying to scrap up as many of the vampire films in their store that I can get my hands on.
I suppose if you want to look at it from a Forrest J Ackerman point of view, it will be a wicked time for the collectors in the area such as myself.
Which as I type that, realize with the internet it's actually a mute point.
I also see that the very famous blog by Julie Powell has been removed. I suppose that Salon blogs finally gave up the ghost then Eh? I know for awhile it was one of the few blogs that were still up on their site. Which is sad really as she was a trendsetter.
Trendsetters, I think that might be the theme for the post.
Anyways Spudguns, time to get moving for the day. Go hunt down a cup of coffee.
Love Ardeth Blood
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Must be a long weekend
... cause some douchebags across the street are setting off fireworks again. This is the third night in a row that they've done this.
People are taking bets as to what will replace the donut shop down the street. Will be sad. I will loose my mind without the coffee shop and blockbuster down the street.
I'm thinking that a sandwich shop might squeeze in there, as that's something we do not have in the area at all.
Things have been fairly boring around here. Then again, when is it not?
Well, as I let my coffee get too cold for human consumption, I will say this for the night ... when making baked mac and cheese, do not mix a Tex-Mex cheese blend with extra freshly ground black pepper unless you have lots of tums.
People are taking bets as to what will replace the donut shop down the street. Will be sad. I will loose my mind without the coffee shop and blockbuster down the street.
I'm thinking that a sandwich shop might squeeze in there, as that's something we do not have in the area at all.
Things have been fairly boring around here. Then again, when is it not?
Well, as I let my coffee get too cold for human consumption, I will say this for the night ... when making baked mac and cheese, do not mix a Tex-Mex cheese blend with extra freshly ground black pepper unless you have lots of tums.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
That made my night
I used screen capture for this post
Dude, Spudguns, you know it's been two years and still every time I happen to catch this promo from the Aug 20th 2009 episode of TNA Impact, I still laugh out loud.
Spuddy, I can't help but wonder where you got some of the ideas for that one??? Mmmm.
Anyways, today was one of those days where things just did not seem to flow right, from being stood up to the news about half the businesses on my block closing down -the Tim Hortons next door to the Blockbuster it is reported will be shut down too- to bumping into an ex boyfriend in Starbucks... no I won't talk about it... to the only thing my mom wanted to talk about today being the car accident.
Sometimes, taking a few minutes and screaming is what is needed. Watching old promos of the MMG is what is needed.
Let me add that I have been getting the Wheel and the Empress cards this week. Both happen to mean the end of a cycle and beginning of another. So with that in mind, here's to a better season coming up.
P.S. Mr. Shelley, Mr. Sabin ... molasses cookies.
Dude, Spudguns, you know it's been two years and still every time I happen to catch this promo from the Aug 20th 2009 episode of TNA Impact, I still laugh out loud.
Spuddy, I can't help but wonder where you got some of the ideas for that one??? Mmmm.
Anyways, today was one of those days where things just did not seem to flow right, from being stood up to the news about half the businesses on my block closing down -the Tim Hortons next door to the Blockbuster it is reported will be shut down too- to bumping into an ex boyfriend in Starbucks... no I won't talk about it... to the only thing my mom wanted to talk about today being the car accident.
Let me add that I have been getting the Wheel and the Empress cards this week. Both happen to mean the end of a cycle and beginning of another. So with that in mind, here's to a better season coming up.
P.S. Mr. Shelley, Mr. Sabin ... molasses cookies.
Sept 1st 2011
Today is the one day of the year I hate being by myself.
It's the anniversary of my car accident {Sept 1st 2006 }and yes, indeed I am by myself.
The weather has been all over the place today. Just found out that our local Blockbuster is indeed being shut down. Damn!
That will leave a massive hole in the city. Am guessing something will have to come in to replace it, as Blockbuster is all we have for video rentals.
Okay now hold your crickets... I was suppose to have a date tonight! I know you'll have to ice skate home cause hell just froze over. But wait for it... the guy stood me up.
Typical. My tombstone in 200 years will read simply "here she stays she was stood up alot"
It's the anniversary of my car accident {Sept 1st 2006 }and yes, indeed I am by myself.
The weather has been all over the place today. Just found out that our local Blockbuster is indeed being shut down. Damn!
That will leave a massive hole in the city. Am guessing something will have to come in to replace it, as Blockbuster is all we have for video rentals.
Okay now hold your crickets... I was suppose to have a date tonight! I know you'll have to ice skate home cause hell just froze over. But wait for it... the guy stood me up.
Typical. My tombstone in 200 years will read simply "here she stays she was stood up alot"
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