I've got the highlights for Smackdown up on the wrestling blog for all the WWE fans.
That's about all I really have to say tonight. I'm staring at the next round of books I have for review, and trying to figure out how to do a review for a how to book. Been having some issues on that this week.
I once made a centerpiece for a Hallowe'en display... it was a model of Freddy Krueger's house made of paper-mache (actually I read somewhere it's really spelled papier-mache) I'll have to dig it out of storage and see if it's in one piece, maybe take a photo if it is.
My favourite Nightmare on Elm Street is part 2 Freddy's Revenge.... yes pointless post just wanted to say that the one review was up and it just needed some more in the post, couldn't have just one sentence.