I'm not even getting requests for book reviews at this point, I am just getting emails with a picture of the book's cover or the links to the book trailers now.
It's like once you get going you become not even your blog but just a random email.
Some guy I've never heard of, a company I've never heard of sent an email to me, without any introduction or even a "would you be interested" but just the cover shot of the novel.
The first thing out of everyone's mouth when I say I review books is "How much do you get paid for that?"
I don't. I get the books for free. I started this cause I love books. Continued cause I thought I might be able to network a bit.
My buddy Gerry asked me why I have not become a music reviewer, then at lest I would get free cds/tee shirts/concert tickets. Maybe I should. Might get a little more respect.