Monday, July 26, 2010

I have no idea how to do this

I used screen capture for this post

I need to do an ad for a product I have never seen.   I have no idea how to write ad copy for something I have not even looked at or used.

It's for frypans and casserole dishes.   Okay dishes right simple yes?   Um no.  I might have to back out of this assignment if I can not figure out what to say about it, as I am already almost a week over due on it.

I got a random email the other week asking me to take part in this giveaway over on my cooking blog.  I said sure why not it seemed simple.    Only  so totally not.   I have done book reviews, movie reviews, wrestling reviews,  but how do you review a product you are not even allowed to see?

In the mean time.... let's coo and awe over some wrestlers. 

 Mr. Storm, I do love the shape of his body.
 Mr. Sabin,  oh yeah you rock.

Mr. Styles,  what about those dreamy eyes Eh?