I'm not talking sex right now, though I could add that to the intent.
I mean straight up, just being given a chance to make someone happy. Spending time with them, talking, learning about them, doing what they really love to do.
I have been in a very giddy mood all day for no reason, haven't talked to anyone, haven't seen anyone just been coasting on a vibe that has had me bopping around grinning.
I'm betting whomever my Soulmate is, he's in a wickedly good mood today.
As I was sitting down just now to check emails, I had the overwhelming thought that whomever he is I just want the chance to make him happy.
Whatever "happy " equals for him. For me "happy" equals being together creating art and just being comfortable with each other.
Love might be complicated but I'm not.
Whomever he is I hope he's having a relaxing day filled with great conversations and doing something that he really enjoys.
And I hope everyone who stumbles on this blog today is having the same.