So I shall look on the bright side. I have an apartment to come home to. I have heat, lights, water, my own computer, a few hundred piles of stuff and the feeling that something is terribly off here. I just have no idea what.
It seems too big suddenly, too bright. I got used to my mother's shoeboxed size apartment with the near nothing lights and the massive computer screen and now... I feel so small here. I've forgotten how tiny my laptop screen really is.
Oddly enough, for the first time in the 11 years I've lived here, tonight I feel really alone for the first time ever. If ever I wish I had a husband this is that night. Something tells me I'm not going to be able to sleep any tonight so don't be overly shocked if I end up blogging a few times in the course of the night.

That would be the two weeks worth of newspapers I had to collect every morning.
The train case I talked about the other week and the infamous cookies that I baked all week.