So everyone has had their little freak outs tonight. My brother in law, my sister, etc.
The sun is setting, it's cooling off outside, I'm trying to watch a movie that I really have no idea why I rented it.
Life is filled with disappointments. We all know this. We deal with them on a daily.
You get to a point where you just have to say enough or else you can find yourself at the bottom of a bottle.
Blogging has been my touchstone the last few years. My way of trying to deal with dren. Sometimes I've done a good enough job handling it all, sometimes I haven't.
Spudguns, any idea how often I've sat here typed out something and then deleted it because by the time I got to the end of the post it just seemed pointless? Too many to count specially in the last 6 months or so. Give or take a day.
Maybe I'm too honest. I have told too much of myself. Maybe I haven't even scratched the surface yet? Who knows. I just know there are a rare few hours in the day, at dusk and at dawn, when I feel like me. Like the person I think I should be. That rare what three hours combine, when I feel connected to the world. Have no idea why it's that way, but it is. It's also when I'm the most energized.
So here I am right now, listening to the city outside my bedroom window shift gears from the office day to the drunkenness that passes for nightlife around here. Wishing I was on a bus headed out of the city limits.
I'm setting a goal for myself. Goal is to be anywhere but this city by spring. Even if it's only for a week. Seems simple enough to any of you reading, but for someone with money issues and health problems, little tougher. I wonder where the WWE will be in their Canadian tour by March?