Thursday, September 30, 2010

Heading into October Season

Yes that's right my little Spudguns, we are on the eve of October.  Remember, in Thunder Bay; October is a season all it's own.
Canada has Thanksgiving (Columbus Day in the U.S.) before Hallowe'en, which means we get two lovely fall holidays two weeks apart.  I'm grooving on that.
And since it's October eve,  I started to put the list together for the countdown to Hallowe'en posts I want to do for this here bloggy-blog.  I have a few ready (okay so the first few are a few reposts from my old vampire blog but I do have a full 31 days to fill)

Anyways, I was reading a few wrestling fan site thingies (which is bad for my ego)  and was thinking.  I'm not the only one who is feeling less then impressed right now with the storylines being given by the two major companies.

And this all means what?

Alot of busy nothings.  Hopefully some of them will be funny enough to make you laugh out loud, and .... I think you should remember that in every Dracula movie he always finds a way to come back for a sequel... {that would be a clue to something}

Photo by ME hcvp' 2010