Thursday, January 6, 2011

Um... Did we loose a show?

I used screen capture for this post

Okay went to watch the Dec 30th episode of TNA Reaction.  Which was really not much of a show, as it was only Eric Bishoff talking in snips.

And what do I see... the background images have been updated which caused a big "gggrrrrr arrrr" from me because the photo of the MotorCityMachine Guns! is no longer on the Spike TNA page.  That blows goat balls.

Then, I see there is no listing for Reaction tonight.  I check the listings on Yahoo for the next two weeks, and there is no listing at all for Reaction.  Umm.... go back to the Spike TNA page and see, they've got it listed as just Impact at 9pm on Thursdays now.

Does this mean we lost Reaction?  Or is it just mid season down time?
Seriously,  I'm not too shocked if we lost Reaction all together, it was marginal at best. Too many tech issues trying to watch it on the Spike website always gave me a headache. And given the fact that the main event from Impact was always carried over to Reaction, which never got posted at a decent time, (sometimes a full two weeks late) which caused major issues with keeping up the storylines fans were pissed as many of us could only see Reaction on the Spike site.

I'm more upset about the fact the photo of Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley was removed from background photo of  the Spike TNA page. 

Seriously, that page should reflect the current champs only.  It would make more sense.