Spudguns... morning.
So I heard back from the IntenseDebate person about comments. They're gone. A years worth of comments gone. They said with the whole url link override cloning mess, the system looked at it as a fresh site and reinstalled the comment box. So even though I can log into IntenseDebate and read all the comments stored in there, they are wiped off the blog (everything before last Sunday when this mess happened)
That's it man, I've been banging my head against a wall for over a year with this book club, and I'm done with it. Done. Over. Done.
I'll just still to the damned book club blog and forget even trying to have one in the physical world. Too much work for nothing. Yes I know, I'm on the uber pessimistic side today, but seriously dude, I'm just tired of trying.
Tired of trying to have friends, tired of trying to connect with people, tired of always coming out on the bottom of a situation.
I feel weighed down with the trying.
Life is too frealing short to be trying to connect. God damn Spuddy, looking at that photo and thinking that that cappuccino looks good.