All the days are blending together this week more then usual. Mostly to do with the pain and the meds.
If you've ever broken a body part before you know that you start having spasms after the second day. Those are pretty damn bad to begin with. Then on top of that, the getting up and down with the crutches every time you need to pee. Not fun. My bruises have pulled muscles and bruises.
Getting on the internet has been difficult in itself.
But, I am still working on the movie challenge. Today was day 88
So I'm a few episodes behind on my TNA Impact. Hope to get around to seeing the last two episodes today.

And can we get rid of Barry Third. Like seriously the dude is as old as Ric Flair. Have you Thunder Bay noticed that he never goes away but the side reporter gets younger every second year?
What's up with that? Bring back Nikki Burns!
Okay that's the view from my mother's sofa through a haze of perks today.