You know what I hate, when you wake up in the morning, check you emails, and there is spam to yourself from someone else.
Yeah, I check my spam box all the time, and there I was, staring back at my own profile. Assholes.
Sometimes the internet is the worst thing ever.
It's not even 8am here yet, and already it's going to be a hell of one. Not only was there that this morning, but I woke up with a sinus headache, which means that we're in for a storm where I am.
I caught up with the last few episodes of TNA Impact yesterday. I really think the Aces and Eights story has dragged on long enough. Wrap it up people.
Loved the tights Joey Ryan was wearing for his match with the pink tropical design. It actually works with the whole Tom Selleck thing he's got happening.
That's the view from the sofa this morning before coffee